Thursday 9 February 2012


In this lesson we were given out  a handouts, one handout was Australian theatre on our first lesson so do with Australian theatre.  Miss Janson, Luke and Rhiannon read these sheets out impersonating a politician ie Martin Luther King which were very amusing.  After this we were put into groups of 3 and 4’s.  I was put with Sarah, Rhys and Eric.  We had to brainstorm currant topical issues in Australia, ie bush fires, rasism, floods etc.  In the end we decided on either unequal education or terrorism, even though we thought the floods would be quite interesting.  The focus of the lesson was to go into more depth on Australian theatre.
The main goal of this class was to plan ahead for our performances in our groups as we had to do three different performances all to do with the same issue.  For us this would be unequal education or terrorism.  I felt in the first half of the lesson I learnt a lot more about Australian theatre in general as we looked at the timeline which connect all the dots.  In the second half of the lesson I think we should have decided what currant topical issues we were going to do in our next lesson so that we were more prepared.
I really liked working with my group as we had different characters bringing different humour and perspective.  I think it was hard to concentrate on what we were actually reading whilst the others were reading in funny voices which distracted us.  Apart from this I think the lesson was very successful.  I think we did well as a whole in this lesson as we concentrated.
I think I could have paid more attention and highlighted the text as people read it out loud.  As we did not  see anyones performances
Today I could not give any constructive crititism but cant wait to see everyones next time.


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