Tuesday 7 February 2012


In this lesson we started with a game to improve our peripheral vision.  We all stood in a circle and all stared into the middle of the circle.  Anyone could start at any time by leaning slowly forward with the upper half of their body.  Everyone else used their peripheral vision to notice the person leaning in and everyone would lean forward and all end up in a forward lunge whilst clapping when touching the ground whilst making a “ha” noise.  As we did more rounds everyone improved and we all ended up completing this activity in sync.
Our next activity was to quickly practise our Australian advert.  We changed the interviewer to Rachel as we decided I would become an English tourist being interviewed and then we performed it in front of the class.  My favourite group were Molly and her group because I liked how they used movements to describe the Australian attractions ie the Harbour Bridge.  The focus of the lesson was to perform the adverts and criticise each others performance.  We gave constructive criticism  to help everyone’s performances
To give any constructive criticism to others I would suggest Molly’s group should try not to laugh quite as much.

when i was listening on the radio i heard this remix and its all all about all the famous things in sydney and i thought it kind of fitted with advertising sydney

definition of  Peripheral vision: Side vision. The ability to see objects and movement outside of the direct line of vision. Peripheral vision is the work of the rods, nerve cells located largely outside the macula (the center) of the retina. The rods are also responsible for night vision and low-light vision but are insensitive to color. As opposed to central vision.

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