Tuesday 31 January 2012


In this lesson we met our teacher, Miss Jansons, for the first time as our last lesson was taken by  a cover teacher. This lesson was all about team bonding and learning the essentials of our Drama logbooks and what we will be studying and assessed on.
After this we were asked what we wanted to achieve whilst studying Drama this year.  I decided that it would be a great lesson in building up my public speaking and improvisation skills.  Next, as there were many new people in the class, we did a fun game called “zombies”.  This exercise helped us to learn people’s names, think on our feet, acting quickly, spacial awareness skills, focus and last but not least to have fun.  The game involved in one person starting walking like a zombie towards another person, who then had to quickly call out another name in the group and that named person would then become the zombie.  If you failed to call out another name before the zombie reached you, you would be out of the game.  This continued around the classroom.  This helped us to learn each others names.
The second activity we did was called co-operative musical chairs.   This was to get us used to being in close proximity with our classmates.  This game was like the normal musical chairs but with a twist.  The twist was that there could be any amount of people on a chair but only any two feet and one bottom on each chair. The whole class worked together on the lesson.
I felt that I achieved a lot in the zombie activity as I didn’t know everyone’s name in my class and this helped me to put names to faces and also the co-operative chairs helped the whole class to bond and feel more comfortable around each other.  At first co-operative chairs was a little challenging as it’s un-natural to just jump on and unfamiliar persons lap.  In the activity zombies the only bad thing was that all the new people would be out first as they were unsure of other people’s names.  Maybe if we played it again in our next lesson this would improve.
It was a very successful lesson because we all came out feeling much more confident in each others company and more relaxed because of the team bonding.  To improve my work next time I could memorize people names more quickly.  I would suggest to others not to feel too shy and to have fun and relax, this would apply to me too.


Team "bonding" is a very important process that will help to ensure a close-knit team. A strong cheer squad becomes one in purpose and desire, Encouragement is very important in team bonding. If team members try to motivate one another, everyone will try harder to accomplish team objectives. Teambuilding games are a fun way to develop cohesiveness. They tear down walls in communications, provide avenues that encourage discussion, and increase productivity. Team building takes time but the end results are well worth the extra time. It is an ongoing process that boosts commitment. Here are some games and exercises to do with your squad to build a unified group.

a quote i found and i liked about team bonding

elements of drama

logbook help 

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